The Great Conjunction, The Solstice & Your Money: 5 Actions To Harness The Energy

It’s the solstice...AND...the Great Conjunction!  You’re like, “Cool Bri...what does that have to do with my money!” 

Well, let’s chat about that. 

The Winter solstice!  We’ve hit the pinnacle. From here on out, the nights get shorter and the days longer.  I loved this article today in The New York Times talking about the darkness of the solstice.  This passage in particular I loved: The great irony of winter is that the moment darkness is greatest is also the moment light is about to return. Each year the winter solstice comes with the promise that the next day will be brighter.

Isn’t that beautiful?  

Apply to your money: However dark you are feeling right now when it comes to your money, let today be a reminder and a promise that tomorrow can be brighter. 

The Great Conjunction!  Let’s nerd out!  Saturn and Jupiter are getting REAL cozy in the sky. In fact, it happens every 20 years but according to NASA, this one is especially rare because it’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed THIS close to each other and nearly 800 years since the alignment occurred at night (betta get out there tonight and watch it!). 

What does this mean for your money?  A 20 year cycle ends and a new one begins.  So let’s think of this as a moment to reflect back on our money story, where we came from and where we are, and visualize where we want to go.  Remember, when we talk about money, we are also taking into consideration your time and energy.  Where have you been spending your time? Your energy? Is that in alignment with you? Do you want it to shift?  What does that look like? 

Here are 5 simple steps to harness the energy on this day of solstice and the Great Conjunction to reflect, release and move forward: 

  1. Over the past 20 years (what you can remember if you’re a youngin’) go back every 5 years and ask yourself: What did I learn regarding my resources (money, time & energy)?

  2. In each of those 5 year time frames, identify 1-3 things you are proud of that utilized your money, time and energy. This could be starting to budget, or setting boundaries, or starting to move your body.

  3. Integrate these thoughts and acknowledge them. Say: Thank you for the lessons. Tell yourself: I’m proud of you for the progress you’ve made

  4. Visualize the next 20 years in 5 year increments. Write down how you want to feel about your money, time and energy and any other beautiful life moments that you desire.

  5. Sit in those thoughts. What is the intention with which you’d like to move forward into those desires? State and claim it!

I hope you enjoy this exercise. You might be saying, “Lordy Bri, that was so full of journal woo woo…”  and I’d say, “Yes, yes it is.  Have we met?  I believe you are the designer of your life, do you?” 

My wish for you as we head into the final weeks of 2020, you give yourself a hug for still standing. You are here friend, which means you aren’t finished yet. Whatever you are going through know this: You’re meant to get through it. Stay strong. Keep going. Know the days are going to get brighter. 

Sending you so much love.  



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