The School of Betty platform, social channels and classrooms are safe spaces and racism will not be tolerated. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

I created The School of Betty to help as many womxn as possible learn how to manage their money - pay off debt, release old stories about money and feel confident in their money decisions.  And ultimately, build a badass life they love. I’m in the business of positively changing lives and because money impacts every person every day, learning how to manage it is powerful. 

When it comes to white privilege, money is playing a big part. The current wealth gap between white and BIPOC - is staggering. 

My anti-racism commitment:

  • I am dedicated to doing the work and actions that are needed in order to dismantle white supremacy and the systems that uphold it.

  • I am committed to continuing to do MY work to deepen my understanding of my white privilege, white fragility, and my biases. I am in this marathon and will continue to do the work until the world we are living in is one that treats every humxn as a humxn. 

  • I will not shy away from open conflict on my channels as it relates to race.

  • I will continue to invest a portion of The School of Betty’s operating budget in the Black community.

This work is challenging and tough but it has to be done. As a money & life coach, it would be a disservice to my students to NOT do this work.

Standing with you in action - 
