Are You Playing Dress Up With Your Budget?

We love to think of budgets as being the thing that will solve all of our money problems. If we think about it, this is how we often approach shopping. To solve our unhappiness. Reality Check: It just doesn’t work that way for your happiness or your money. 

I like to call this: putting on a fancy dress and calling it a day. 

And listen, I’m all about that mindset life. In fact - it’s foundational to how I teach money - from a heart space. But we can’t just think our way into a better money flow, we have to actually take action. 

Recently I had a rough week and found myself crying for 3 days. Yup. Not a typo. Finally on day 3 I had to make myself take a shower and put on makeup and a dress. I had to trick my brain a bit to help me move forward. 

What I didn’t do, was call it a day and never reflect on the deeper things I need to address. 

So, yes...that budget can help get you organized, but you can’t stop there. You have to go deeper. Otherwise, you're just playing dress up.

There is one very important piece to the equation: knowing your values for your life and your vision. 

I get it, you probably don’t want to do this but let me tell you friend, when you skip this part - you most likely are going to stay on the budget yo yo that looks like: 

  • Creating an extreme budget based on what you THINK you should do. (It doesn’t feel good)

  • Lasting a week or two and then going WAY off course

  • Sticking to the budget but still feeling empty and not fulfilled

You have to know: 

  • WHY you are moving your money the way you are in your budget

  • WHERE you are going. Meaning...the north star. What are you working for?

  • Once you know those two things, you can know HOW to do it that is sustainable and not from an extreme budget diet. 

This is the heart and soul money approach friend. It’s not just about “best practices”. In fact - you can learn those and then you can kick them to the curb. 


That’s right. 


Because no two humans are alike and those best practices don’t take your current priorities into consideration. 

In short, if we sum up this blog post - know what you want and desire so you can move your money to help you get it. End of story! 

Livin’ & Lovin’ 



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