Money Emergencies: 5 Coping Strategies

We’re about to put our house on the market and we got a REALLY fun expense pop up. A subcontractor hit a water pipe in our master bathroom and, well...let’s just say this is not what I had in mind when I was saying I needed to get to the water. 

Even though insurance will cover this, it’s also costing us time and energy. And remember, we are never making a decision about a resource (money, time and energy) without considering the others. 

So, let’s chat about some coping strategies because...they are FRESH on my mind! 


For real. I know, it’s basic and sounds dumb but...we don’t want that sympathetic nervous system to put you in fight or flight mode and give you an excuse to shut down.  I like to think of a location I love and take slow breaths while I tell myself - everything always works out. The reality is this: freaking out doesn't help anything. You can take this to the next level by going for a walk so you can activate both sides of your brain. Remember - we’re trying to get your nervous system back to base level with these exercises because that is going to put you in the best possible place to make the best decisions. 

Know the numbers

Get an estimate if that is what the emergency requires. Then, look at your money flow numbers.  Just like we did at the beginning of the pandemic - If there’s gonna be a gap, we want to know how big it is because this gives you something specific to focus on.  “It’s expensive” feels out of control and scary compared to, “I need to find $1,000” which is really specific and sets you up to direct your energy towards the things that will actually help you solve your problem. 

Control (what’s up Janet!)

Identify what you DO have control over and the rest, let it go friend. Usually in a crisis, it’s hard to just think about these things because your brain is all jumbled. I love the connection of pulling your thoughts out and onto paper. So bust out a notebook or notes on your phone and write out a list of everything that is worrying you. Then cross out the ones you don’t have control over.  Now, just a heads up...this can be hard. Why? Well, most of us have habits around worrying. That’s right. We’re always waiting for the shoe to drop so we are actually comfortable in this “oh sh*t” space.  I know. I know. That’s so annoying to hear. Practice makes progress Boo. 

I will survive (I’m hitting a song flow here)

Think about past money emergencies or unexpected financial expenses. Then I simply want you to recognize that you got through them and you’re still here. Now, you might still be paying for them but, you’re still alive. And you know what? We take that for granted A LOT! All the hard stuff in your life,’ve gotten through it.  Trust that you will get through this moment. 

See the future

Imagine getting through this moment with ease and it all working out. Truly. Take a couple of minutes a few times a day to do this for whatever you are navigating.  Then, I want you to ask yourself this question: What would have needed to be in place to allow me to navigate this emergency with less stress?  This is all about taking these moments of data and putting them to use.  Do you need an emergency fund?  A house fund? Whatever it is - do this without judgment.  We simply want to use the data for improvement! 

You are resilient my friend. So, very resilient.  Remember that! 

Livin’ & Lovin’ 



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