5 Spring Cleaning Actions For Your Money

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. We can take some actions with our money too that set us up for a great year. 

Let’s get to it! 

#1. Actually clean & organize

Okay, so this one isn’t that surprising. But it has a huge impact.  We want to keep our money organized and clean. Organize that wallet, organize your receipts, get your budget up to date, look at all of your accounts and make sure they work for you (if you use credit cards; are you using the ones that give you the most points? Do you have random accounts you aren’t using?). And let’s not only do this in the spring. Do this every 3 months and you will be feeling awesome at the end of the year. 

#2. Start that budget! 

If taxes freak you out every year, this is a great time to start that budget and get your ish in order. We’re only 3 months into the new year so it’s not like half the year flew by and it’s a total loss.  Why do you want to budget? Cause my friend, it is FREEDOM! Budgets actually give us flow and choice in our life - not restriction like most believe. If you need a tool to help you, check out the Breaking Up With Broke expense tracker and budget builder. I’m not hiding the fact that I’m so proud of this creation. As one student said, “It’s so easy there’s really no excuse not to follow through. Preach it! 

#3. Get moving on some money goals! 

I’m a goal getter for sure. I’m unusual in that - big goals don’t freak me out, but for many they can be daunting.  Usually, we are afraid to set big goals because it’s scary to think we might fail. Newsflash: You can’t fail friend. Truly. Setting a goal and taking actions to move towards it regardless how fast, is further than you were before.  If you’ve bought a house, you know that just getting the downpayment bucket STARTED can be hard. Write down some money goals you have and then circle the ones that are taking up the most space in your brain (most excited or most stress) and state that you are ready to move forward on them. 

#4. Let the past go

Yeah Elsa! That’s what I said, “LET IT GOOOOO!”.   It’s done friend. The past is in the ether and dwelling on it ensures you miss out on the present. If you are in debt, if you made money choices you aren’t proud of, if you wish you knew then what you know now (I could go on).  Let it go. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Need something tangible to actually let go? This is a great exercise that my coach gave me (yes, coaches have coaches). Write a letter to the person, thing, past - whatever it is - and release it. Speak your mind and say what you need to say, then delete.  So, if you do a digital version - delete it. If you write it out, tear it up or burn it. Hokey? Nah. Your brain loves closure and sometimes on these energetic slow leaks, it’s hard to find it, but this will do the trick. 

#5. Learn something new

I seriously learn something new every week. I consume so much information that recently I had to shift to some hardcore beach reads to give my brain a rest. If you aren’t happy with your money game or you don’t feel confident about your money knowledge or decisions...seek out to learn something friend! Simply reading a short article a week is enough to do the trick! I love The Financial Diet! Back in the day, I wrote an article for them about the things I wish I could teach my younger self about money. READ IT HERE.

Hopefully one of these 5 things sparked a creative idea for you and your money.  

REMEMBER: you have to plant the seeds first to see the growth.  Don’t go runnin’ around expecting roses when you didn’t do anything to foster that growth.  You hear me? That’s just setting you up to be a sad panda. Plant the garden friend.

Livin’ & Lovin’



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