4 Money Lessons Hidden In This Target Picture

“Find your truth. Listen to your heart. Pave your own way. This life is your to create.”

These words spoke to me on an inspirational level when I saw them on a canvas at Target. And it wasn’t until last week that I looked over and they suddenly had new meaning…about money.


What IS your truth with money?  Well, first...you gotta find it Boo.  Your truth with money is sitting there, staring at you, and waiting for you but you have to be willing to look. Your money is like that best friend that doesn’t have a filter. You know what I mean? That’s what your money does.  Your money will SHOW YOU where you are placing your priorities (or not) and what you are deeming valuable...that’s code for what you are avoiding. It’s a pure reflection friend and the reality is most of us don’t want to see it.  But when you do….OOOOOHHHH you’ll feel peace.  


One thing I am always telling my students in Fierce Finances is “you know what is best for you, you just don’t trust yourself yet.”  Can you relate to that? When we listen to our heart, sometimes we hear things that we don’t want to hear...because it might be disruptive to our normal flow of operations. Or...commonly known as...CHANGE.  That heart tug means you might need to do things differently. I’m not sure about you, but I’ve never regretted following my heart. It doesn't mean following it is easy or feels good. Nope. Actually, it’s often hard.  In this pandemic, whatever your financial situation, you know what you need to do. List it out. Sit with it. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. 


At its truth, chart YOUR course friend.  That means, do the work. Your actions might look different than your friend’s actions, but the key word is action.  If you’ve lost your job and need to make it through the next 3 months - it’s time for action. If you are on unpaid leave for the next 6 weeks, it’s time to take some action. Action in today’s scenario looks like ensuring you have cash and inquiring about benefits you can take advantage of. It also might mean exploring that “thing” you’ve always wanted to learn about or do because, this pandemic has opened your eyes to just how fleeting life really is.  Wait for it, because you’ll start to see lots of people launching businesses, going back to school, changing careers etc. as they decide that paving their own way is the only way for them.


In this space, we are being forced to confront lots of stuff like our financial situation, relationships, careers etc.  In our non-coronavirus world, we could easily distract ourselves if we wanted to, and now...many of those shiny baubles have been removed from our reach. But it’s not all bad, friend.  It is moments like this that allow us to recognize a truth and gain clarity when it wasn’t possible before. Use this moment to identify what you want to do differently moving forward and what you want to keep the same.  Consider that the breakdown we are all experiencing right now, might just be giving us the solid footing to finally stand up

Even in a pandemic, we still have choice.  We might not like our options, but we have choice and exercising that choice regardless how big or small it might feel, has a BIG impact on your life. 

You got this. 

Livin’ & Lovin’ 



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