The School Of Betty

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Navigating Change: 5 Actions To Help Your Transition

Life loves a good curveball. Amiright? Listen, it’s part of the magical journey but let’s not ignore the fact that it can feel chaotic and like a rollercoaster. If you’ve been restless, or are navigating tough times, I invite you to try these 5 actions that can bring you closer to clarity and peace. 

Go Within 

This is one of the lessons we work on in week one of Fierce Finances. We are working to get to a place of trusting that you always know what is best for you. We get to that trust by going within. Spending time with ourselves and actually asking the question, “XXXXX, what do you need?”. I like to pair this with lots of journal time. Why?  Well, it helps me process what I’m experiencing, but it is also really powerful for your brain. The actual kinetic action of you writing down your thoughts helps release them from your brain.  And, as a bonus, being able to reflect back and read the entries from moments in your life is really powerful. Talk about really seeing your progress. 

Ask For Help

Friend, I used to the be worst at asking for help. I’m actually still a work in progress, but I’m a 180 from where I used to be. Whatever you are experiencing, remember there are experts all around you that are there to help you navigate, heal, and move forward. Your money healer and coach (me!) works with a money mindset coach. I have a therapist, a life coach, two business coaches and a vocal coach. I recognize the privileges that allow me to have this experience.  But it wasn’t always like that. I remember paying for a therapist for the first time 10 years ago and hiring my first business coach. It was scary. But I’ll tell ya...the value was priceless. Even asking a friend to hold space for you, meet you on a walk or watch your little for an hour will do wonders. There is a reason we have the phrase, “it takes a village” - because it really does. And actually, as humans, we used to live this way and have the support of a community. Seek your community. Build it. Create it. You are worth it. 

Look For Joy

We are wired toward the negative. Truly.  This is why when things are going amazing your brain immediately goes to “when will the other shoe drop?”. It’s important that we look for joy in each day.  I practice this with my daily gratitude, but I also have that statement written out in several places so I can see it. One lesson I am preaching over and over to my students is:  You will find what you are looking for. So be aware of what you are looking for!  If you look for all the reasons life is poo poo, you’ll find it. If you are looking for all the reasons you don’t feel you can manage your money, you’ll find them.  So be mindful of what you are looking for. The lens with which we are viewing our world is very important. Look for joy. 

Lean Into The Hard Stuff

Friend, what you resist will persist. I know you have experienced this. For many of my students this is avoiding their money and their money continues to feel stressful. Often the thing we are most scared to look at, is the thing that is causing us the most pain. And the pain is there because we are in avoidance. I know, it’s scary. I know, it’s probably not going to be the most enjoyable journey or experience, but I’m telling you - you won’t ever regret it. We are here with lots of lessons to learn and obstacles to navigate and happiness to experience. Remember, when we numb the lows, we also numb the highs. That thing that you are avoiding, lean in. Breathe deep. You can do this. 


Follow your heart Boo. This has been my mantra lately. Here’s what we never really learn in school or growing up; how to follow your heart. I’m convinced this is because the majority of individuals aren’t following their heart, but simply going with the norms they learned. You know, that path that often gets us all worked up when we aren’t sticking to it like: I’m XXX and should be married. I don’t own a house yet. I’m XXX and don’t yet have kids. I should be further along in my career.  LET’S JUST CALL THIS THE SHOULD TRACK. A lot of us are on the should track and we aren’t even aware because we’ve never paused to question and explore the path and beliefs. We start to become aware of it when the thought, “I should be happy…” starts to creep in. Let me be very clear, I use the word ‘Pioneer’ with purpose, because often that path our heart and soul is nudging us towards is ...not really a path but a mess of bushes and shrubs. It’s not clear. It looks scary compared to the neat path already laid out. Have courage sweet soul. This life is really yours to create, but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. 

If one of your areas you’ve been getting the nudge is your money house (and life house, honestly), consider exploring Fierce Finances. Yes, we’re going to change your money game for the positive, but...what you don’t know, is it’s the door opener to radically and positively transforming your life. It’s the ultimate Heart Pioneer action. 

Find info here!

Livin’ & Lovin’ 
