The School Of Betty

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The Wisdom Hidden In Your Finances

It’s rarely about the money, Boo.  I know that statement might ruffle some feathers, especially if you are in financial stress.  And just know, I get it. These last two years have been full of extreme financial stress for me, and yet - I can see the deeper lessons. 

So often when we are struggling to manage our time, manage our money and manage our energy, we have a deeper wound that is triggering all of it. 

Listen, I want to tell you that  going through these lessons is  easy, but they might not be. They weren’t  for me. And I think part of that is because I was oblivious to how deep they actually were. 

The Hidden Lessons that are usually the culprit of your resource stress: 

Low Self-Worth

Not feeling worthy or deserving. This can show up in a lot of ways. Maybe that is not feeling worthy of asking for a raise or going for the higher level position. It can show up as not holding boundaries and sticking to your values because you don’t feel you deserve the best. For me, as an entrepreneur, this looked like not pricing a package where I knew it should be priced. I had to start practicing what I preached: asking myself when I made a decision if it was coming from high self worth or low self worth. This will be a game changer for you. If you are struggling in life and it is impacting your money, time and energy, I want you to try this for a week. When you make a decision, ask yourself the question. Don’t. worry, it will be very clear.

Being afraid to be seen

If you shine your light, if you step into your power, what does that mean? I know this one might not make sense but so many of us experience this, including myself. This might look like being scared to be yourself or speak your mind because you don’t want to be judged. It might be feeling nervous to launch your business or product because it will attract haters or people will make  fun of you.  Gosh, I wish all of that went away as we moved out of adolescents but it doesn’t really.  Being afraid to be seen has been the source often for me to hold myself back. If you are in the space of constantly saying you don’t make enough money, but aren’t taking aligned action to shift that - we have to ask if there is some fear beneath that is keeping you where you are. 

People Pleasing

Doing whatever it takes at the cost of you. Ugh, ya’ll, I feel this one. I still have to work on this daily. This totally comes from my hypervigilance as a child, but I can be obsessed with worrying about what people think about me and that often leads me to saying yes to things I don’t want to do which always impacts my money, time and energy. It leaves me depleted. I know I should say no more often, but that is often met with the fear that I won’t be liked. Or a friend will be mad and upset. Recently I had to say no to a friend’s 40th birthday trip and it killed me. Just killed me. Not only did I have FOMO because I loved everyone who went and knew it would be such a magical time, but I just hated the idea that I was potentially disappointing my friend and not showing up for them in the way I’d like to on a special occasion. I don’t love that I missed it, but I feel less stress around my money because I. made the decision that was best for me. So when you are going out all of the time and feeling tired and stressed about your money, we have to ask ourselves if we are saying yes when we need to be saying no. Don’t abandon yourself to make someone else comfortable. Boundaries are your friend. And if you haven’t had many, it can be uncomfortable to start putting them in place, but trust me when I tell you, that discomfort won’t last long.

Lack of trust

Being afraid to try something new. I feel like when it comes to money, trust is one of the hardest things to embody. When money isn’t flowing and you are under financial stress - it is not easy to sit in the flow and trust that you always figure it out. In fact your brain is probably creating a pretty thorough punch list as to why you shouldn’t trust yourself. If your money situation is not shifting and you can’t seem to gather the courage to try something new, this is when we have to ask if we are experiencing trust issues. This is so loud for me right now. My money courses aren’t my current focus and that is different. It feels scary to put my time and energy into intuitive life coaching and at the same time, I’ve needed to shake the snow globe. For the last couple of years, I’ve been doing the same things with some new lipstick and it isn’t working. And I shy away from taking a leap because I’ve been sitting in a space that I didn’t trust I could figure it out. This is new for me. I’ve always had a lot of grit and moxy and unwavering faith that I always figure it out, but in this past depression, that started to slip away. So I’ve had to build it back a little at a time. Marking moments for myself that are going well and when I’ve figured something out, AND - reminding myeself of ALL THE TIMES in my life I took the leap and was caught. So ask yourself what feels more scary: trying something new, or being in the same spot a month from now. 


Not doing what is best for YOU. This digital age makes it so hard to keep our blinders on and stay in our lane to make the moves and live the life that is best for us. I swear, the minute you start feeling good, someone creeps into your IG feed and your brain says, “See! We’re behind! They aren’t doing that! Look what they accomplished in 6 months!” OH MY GAH! Ya’ll, this one is so hard in the entrepreneur space. When I was in my depression - I couldn’t find my joy in other people’s success. And that was so weird for me because it usually lit me up and got me excited. But instead of doing that, it put me in this space of being disappointed in where I was and resisting my reality. When we are in comparison mode - your time and energy will drain so fast you’ll think you’re in Twilight (throwback!). It truly does steal your joy and robs you of a really important element to your success: acknowledging where you are and starting from there. 

If there is one thing I know  for sure, it’s that you have 100% always figured it out up until this point.

I know, It probably doesn’t look like what you thought, and that’s okay. I’m right there with you. 

But you know what? I do believe it can get better. If we are willing to lean in and do the work to grow and heal, you will be blown away by all of the life sparkles. 

Xoxo - 


P.S. Want some guidance? My books are open for Intuitive Life Coaching.