The School Of Betty

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4 Simple Ways To Give & Receive

We usually give and receive on autopilot and we never pause to ask if we are REALLY giving and receiving.

Have you done this before:

  • Received a compliment and immediately downplayed whatever it was

  • Said “it was nothing” when you donate something other than money

  • Want to give a compliment but feel embarrassed and so you don’t say anything?

Each of these is a hard stop on the energetic exchange express.  

So this week, let’s open up this flow.  

Here are 4 simple ways to give and receive that you’ve probably forgotten about. 


When someone compliments you, say “Thank you”...end of story.  No downplaying, no saying it was on sale. Just “Thank you”. Pay close attention to this in conversation because we can have a tendency (guilty) of not acknowledging compliments that are peppered into conversation.  Example, “You are such a great friend! What are you doing this weekend.” ….ya most likely go into your weekend plans and it’s like that amazing compliment never existed. Slow down. Listen and receive when someone is giving you that energetic gift. 


Give 3 compliments every day. You see a badass woman rockin’ some amazing shoes?  Yes, tell her! (we all know how it feels to receive an unexpected compliment...real good). For most of us, we keep those compliments to ourselves and never put them out in the world. I don’t know about you, but I have never once thought someone was weird because they gave me a random compliment out in public. Ever. Right? 


I hear this a lot, “I donated XX.  I know it isn’t much but…” STOP. NO. You GAVE money away, HELP. It could be $.25 and it would still matter.  Imagine what could happen to causes if everyone donated $1. This ties greatly to our world that has us thinking we aren’t enough and this shows up in our money game loud and clear. “I can’t put $1,000 extra toward debt so I won’t try.” “ I can’t workout 6 days a week so I won’t move at all.” Little amounts do not mean little impact. There are $327 million people living in the United States.  Suddenly, $1 per person doesn’t seem so shabby.  


Here’s what happens when we receive gifts, we look at the “thing” and we completely ignore that there was a human behind it that: thought of you, spent their energy deciding what to get you, spent their time getting it, and spent their money purchasing it. WHOA! That’s a lot of resources.  So when you bust through that gift wrapping this year, I want you to go a little bit deeper about what that actually means. AND...let’s ease up a bit ya’ll cause not everyone thrives on buying gifts. Let’s recognize that for some individuals, it takes more of their resources to make it happen.