The School Of Betty

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The Secret No One Tells You About Managing Your Money

If you’ve struggled with putting what you KNOW you should do with your money into action, today’s post is going to tell you exactly why that keeps happening and how to move through it. 

So, why is it so hard to take action when it comes to our money? Like, stick to a budget, pay off debt and contribute to savings and retirement? 

It’s because we focus on the symptom and not on the root of the issue.  

It’s like falling down and breaking your arm. And instead of having the bone reset (the root of the issue) and wearing a cast, you just slap a bandaid on your arm. Now that sounds ridiculous right? We all know that  Bandaid does nothing to actually heal the break. And that’s not great because if that break isn’t healed, you run the risk of not having full functionality of your arm. 

This is the same for our money. 

The secret that no one tells you: our money management has very little to do with the actual money.

It has everything to do with your thoughts, emotions and your behaviors with your money. THIS is the root of many money issues and THIS is where the breaks and fractures can occur that need to be healed. 

In short: How you think and feel about money - will change your results with money. 

Let’s break this down so you can see the cycle. 

  • Our thoughts and beliefs, lead to our emotions. 

  • Our emotions propel us to take action

  • Our actions deliver the results

  • And our results affirm our thoughts and beliefs. 

How you think about your money is actually impacting your results. Let’s go through this. 

If I believe and think that money is stressful and I never have enough, I’m likely to feel stress, anxiety and pain when it comes to my money. Because our brains like to move towards pleasure and away from pain - If i’m associating money with being painful, my action will be to go into avoidance. Ignore my bills, or buy the thing I know I don’t have the cash for. These actions lead to my results- I’m struggling at the end of the month and back in my paycheck to paycheck cycle - and those results - affirm my belief and thought that money is stressful and I don’t have enough.

Let’s look at this from the other side - a positive mindset about money:  

I think and believe that money is fun and is always there to support me.  I feel safe, supported and happy about my money.  Because it is joyful, I don’t mind spending time with my money and looking at it, using my budget. The results of these actions - I know exactly where my money is going and I know how to use it to work for me.  These results affirm -- that money is fun and is always there to support me. 

Your mindset around your money greatly matters. 

So, the big question is: How’s your money mindset? What are your thoughts and what results are they getting you?  

Livin’ & Lovin’ 


P.S. If you’re ready to break this cycle and shift your money mindset so you can experience less money stress, pay off your debt and actually create a budget you can stick to that feels like you aren’t giving up the farm...join The 90 Day Money Breakthrough.  Just less than 90 days left in 2020...don’t ya want to end this year off on a good note?